Member Protection

Masters Swimming Australia (MSA) is committed to creating a safe, fair, and inclusive sporting environment. We seek to prevent all forms of harassment, discrimination, and abuse and to promote positive behaviour and values. Inappropriate or unlawful behaviour will not be tolerated by the organisation. Our policy sets out codes of behaviour with which everyone associated with the organisation is expected to abide. Disciplinary action will be taken against individuals if there is a breach of the policy.


MSA Member Protection Policy 2021 V14


What is a member protection information/welfare officer?

A member protection information officer (MPIO) is the first point of contact in a club or sporting organisation for any enquiries, concerns or complaints around harassment, abuse, and other inappropriate behaviour. The MPIO provides information and moral support to the person with the concern.

MSA have appointed several MPIO persons within the organisation. Please contact your club, branch, or the National Office for details of your local MPIO.

What does a member protection information officer do?


• Listens and acts as a sounding board

• Clarifies basic points and concerns

• Refers to a the MSA member protection policy and explains what constitutes inappropriate behaviour

• Explains the complaint process and options available under the MSA member protection policy

• Discusses any relevant laws and the right to complain to external agencies (for example to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission)

• Offers to provide details for counselling or other referrals if appropriate or requested

• Monitors and follows up the enquiry or complaint

The MSA member protection information officer will do:

• Takes complaints seriously

• Tackles one issue at a time

• Does not take sides

• Maintains confidentiality if possible

• Provides reassurance about victimisation

• Keeps notes


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