Mental Health and Wellbeing

1 in 5 of us will experience symptoms of mental illness in any given year. In Australia that is around 5 million people, and roughly 60% of these people will not seek help ( The overwhelming concern for Masters Swimming Australia is that our members are not immune to this statistic. The impact of the temporary closures of pools, training venues, active gatherings, financial stress and isolation from friends and family etc. is unknown on members mental health. In 2020, the NBM and Branches discussed the benefits of supporting mental health with a focus on a Mental Health Month which began in 2021. The first two years we held our Mental Health month in May with Webinars, shared resources and fundraising as our focus. In 2023 we are excited to once again support the Black Dog Institute to deliver a month of our MSA Mental Health Awareness – October 2023.


2023 Webinar

Online AIS Mental Fitness Presentation with Mitchell Larkin Tune into our webinar delivered by special guest Olympian Mitchell Larkin for the Black Dog Institute. This is a 45-minute presentation to help adults by giving them knowledge and practical tools proven to:
  • Build strength, flexibility, and endurance to cope more effectively
  • Learn how to refocus the mindset
  • Recognise and feel good about the positives in life
  • Reduce stress and worry
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Improve memory, concentration, and creative thinking
  • Develop life meaning and purpose statements
Webinar details: Black Dog Institute: Mental Fitness Sunday 29th of October (AEDT 3pm – 4pm)

Join the Webinar HERE Pw: 677362 Meeting ID: 823 8166 9914

Surveys Black Dog Institute are an evidence-based research institute and they rely on strong evaluation data of their programs – Please take the time to fill in the Survey before and after the webinar – see links below 

Please complete this BEFORE the presentation


Please complete this AFTER the presentation


Purchase a Limited Edition MSA MHA swimming cap

After selling out our limited edition 2021 yellow MSA MHA swimming caps we are excited to be able to offer the 2023 limited edition Mental Health Awareness Swimming Caps. In support of the Black Dog Institute and mental health month, be sure to grab your bright blue cap while stocks last. ($17.50 inc postage).

4. Get your cap now

while stock lasts (price includes postage)

2023 Podcasts

Check out the free podcasts offered by the Black Dog Institute exploring different insights into mental health through personal experiences and expert opinions  


Mental Health Awareness is a chance to highlight the importance of connecting with one another and educate our community the benefits of swimming on mental health. MSA will regularly update this page with articles and research that will be of interest to our readers.
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If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact the following crisis services:

Emergency 000
Lifeline 13 11 14
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
MensLine 1300 78 99 78
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Photo Gallery

Here we share photos, images, stories of our members and clubs supporting mental health awareness (some are directly from fundraising during May 2021) Stay tuned for some great new photos from 2023!