Welcome to the “Member Only ” area of the Masters Swimming Australia website.
We are excited to be able to provide members of Masters Swimming Australia with a wealth of new resources and benefits.
If you are not yet a member, or have not yet renewed for the current year, please follow the links on the Membership page of this website.
If you are a current member, but are unsure of any of your details, please email admin@mastersswimming.org.au
To access the member area for the FIRST TIME, click on the login button above,
and at the bottom of the login form select “Lost your password?“
Follow the instructions to set a new password of your choice.
Your username is your six digit MSA membership number.
We hope you enjoy all the resources in the Members Area.
Please note that the email address for each website Member Profile is drawn from the MSA membership database, but in this system must be unique.
Therefore where members share an email address in the membership database, there will be a website Member Profile for only one of those members.