Coaching Excellence Award
In 2023 Masters Swimming Australia and the National Coaching Committee introduced a new award category, the Coaching Excellence Awards which are intended to recognise coaches at the national level who demonstrate excellence in delivering positive outcomes for Masters swimmers.
In the first year of this Award the National Office received 11 Individual nominations and 1 Coaching group nomination. We thank the members of the NCC for their fair and thorough adjudication. We are excited to announce that we have 3 inaugural recipients of the Coaching Excellence Award in 2023.
Congratulations to:
Kevin Duffy (MSSA) – Henley Beach Masters Swimming Club
Kevin has provided a quality program for over 10 years catering for all levels at Henly club in a positive and inclusive environment. He has demonstrated technical expertise in his coaching and promoted swimmers’ health and well-being. He is innovative – filming swimmers and using IT equipment such as GoPro/phone video stroke correction and Aquanex to enhance swimmers’ experiences. |
Neroli Nixon (MSV) – Doncaster Dolphins Masters Swimming Club
Neroli is to be commended for her ability to lead in promotion of Master swimmer through the swim for life program and her promotion of the values of inclusivity, wellness and respect. She is also commended for mentoring coaches to gain qualification. |
Donna Gadsby (MSV) – Mornington Peninsular Masters Swimming Club
Donna is passionate and dedicated. Innovative in enhancing coaching at the Mornington club – establishing monthly stroke improvement clinics and using video filming to improve swimmers. She has also led Coach development through running workshops for another club – the Malvern MarlinsShe has developed her coaching knowledge through attending national and state conferences and clinics and has been involved in the wider swimming community promoting the values of swimming as the Victorian representative for the Alliance Learn to swim program. |